How Much do You Need to Earn as an Indie-Author or Self-Published Author to Quit Your Day Job?2/5/2019 Otherwise asked by some as: How many books do I need to sell to be a full-time self-published indie author?Now this question is one that hounds the minds of thousands of self-published authors. This thought has hounded me in the past and many of my writer friends ask this question daily. The answer does not come easy. It never does. To try and help the self-published community out and to give some clarity to the situation, I will help you see just exactly how many books you need to sell-per-day to survive with the bare-minimal as a full-time author. Now we will need to put some constraints on this as there are many alternating variables that comes into play in this situation. I will go forward with these assumptions:
Without further ado, let’s look at the numbers and calculate our totals!
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April 2019
RAFAEL HOHMANNIf I'm not writing, I must be dead. Categories